Game warden wears stripes to be ‘mother’ to orphaned baby zebra

Wildlife keepers do a great and important job because they take care of wild animals that cannot take care of themselves. Many of them are orphaned and the wildlife guardians have to step in and be like a mother to them.

One of these facilities has now found a great way to make a poor little baby zebra feel at home.

Earlier this year, a zebra foal and its mother were chased and hunted by a lion. The lion grabbed the mother, but her foal managed to escape and find shelter in a passing herd of goats.

Wildlife rangers found the frightened baby and brought it to their ranch, where they fed and cared for it.

They named the baby zebra Diria, the name of the ranch that rescued it, and it was then placed in the care of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi, Kenya.

At that young age, it is important that the foal be given exactly the care and attention it would have received from its mother. So the gamekeepers kept him busy and gave him food.

But they used a fascinating method to get the zebra’s trust and make it feel at home: they all wear zebra stripes.

It sounds funny, but it’s a tried-and-true way to be like its mother to the baby zebra.

We’ve used the technique successfully several times over the years with zebras, which were then able to be released back into the wild.”

Four game wardens are caring for Diria right now, and they’re all wearing the same stripe pattern. That way, the foal thinks they’re all his mother.

“A team of keepers can thus take care of her 24/7 while maintaining the best conditions for her to survive,” a spokesperson told Bored Panda.

The plan is working – The zebra foal loves all of his plfeger.

“Diria loves nothing more than snuggling up to them and being petted by them.”

The fate of the little baby zebra shows the important and impressive work that gamekeepers accomplish and the important role they play for the animals.

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