The vets thought the dog was carrying nine puppies, but their predictions were wrong

It’s really stressful to wait on the baby to get born.

Natasha White and Alicia Copping, owners of Romy the Irish Setter, were expecting their pet to give birth to 9 puppies. After an extra 100 hours, people were in shock when they actually realized how many puppies their dog was carrying.

Natasha is a certified veterinarian. She performed the ultrasound. During the procedure, she counted 9 puppies! Since this number of offspring is a typical litter for an Irish Setter, it didn’t occur to her that her four-legged friend’s pregnancy could be unique!

So when Romi induced the birth, her two lovers were there for her. They tried to provide the animal with as comfortable conditions as possible. When nine puppies were born, Natasha and Alicia initially thought that “it was a done deal.” But they got a surpriseā€¦.

There was the 10th baby. Then another one, and another one til the 15th!

The last baby was traditionally the biggest one born. Romi was as exhausted as ever!

“She was very tired. We let her run around in the backyard when the 10th puppy was born. Two hours later, the rest came in,” Natasha says.

10 girls and 5 boys are completely healthy. 270 and 340 grams was the weight of the puppies, but they double the weight after one week! Now the pupies have to eat every two hours.

Romi does not have enough milk, so artificial bottle feeding was used.

Natasha and Alicia decided to keep one puppy. But the other 14 need loving homes! At this stage, we need help finding nicknames. There is a requirement: all names must begin with the letter “R” and be borrowed from fairy tale characters.

We named the littlest puppy Rosie. But how to name the other babies, Natasha says.

I think it’s a very interesting experience! In one fell swoop, 15 puppies – under one roof. I would definitely give them away to new families with tears in my eyes!

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