Young woman cured a baby squirrel and released it into the wild: a few months later it returned with its offspring

The story happened to Simone Serfontein from South Africa. One day Simone was out for a walk and noticed a baby squirrel in the grass. It looked so vulnerable that Simone took pity on it and took it home.

Simone consulted veterinarians, learned what the litlle squirrel needs. Simone named her new pet Digentji.

The squirrel has grown up and is even beginning to get used to the outside world. Simone did not want to keep the squirrel at home and let it go outside freely.

The squirrel would sometimes show up at Simone’s house, spend the night, beg for food, and run away again. Several months passed like this. One day Digentji returned to her owner and stayed with her. From the rags and paper she found, the squirrel began to build a nest. Her abdomen swelled, and it was clear that a baby would soon be born.

Digentji gave birth to a baby squirrel, but unfortunately it died. A few months later, the story repeated itself.

This time the situation was aggravated by the fact that Digentji did not feed her baby. So in Simone’s hands was another baby squirrel that also had to be rescued.

Fortunately, all went well with this baby.

Now Simone has two adult squirrels. The woman jokingly says that in a few years she will have a whole kennel in her house because she thinks squirrels can bring her new babies.

Simone names her second pet Misty. She believes that one day they will find a home outside.

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