Tourist finds half starved puppy on desert island.

Wesley White from the US state of Montana is currently on vacation in Central America. Off the coast of Belize are an infinite number of small sandbanks and atolls that Wesley is particularly fond of. With a kayak he therefore sets out to explore the small islands. As he approaches one of these small atolls, however, he discovers something extraordinary.

On the uninhabited island, a small emaciated puppy sits all alone in front of an abandoned fishing hut and greets Wesley with exuberant joy. The young man is noticeably startled by the quadruped’s terrible condition.

The little male, whom Wesley christens “Winston,” is nothing but skin and bones – there is hardly any fur left on his body. No one knows how long the poor animal has been there on its own. Wesley immediately realizes that there is no way he can leave the puppy there. So he puts the weakened and thirsty animal into his kayak and makes his way back to his hotel. Once there, Wesley asks the hotel staff to help Winston, who immediately give him a few cans of dog food. For the first time in a long time, the puppy finally gets something between his teeth.

The next day, Wesley sets off with Winston to the nearest town, Dangriga, where he first takes the puppy to a vet. But time is running out for him, because the following day the vacationer has to start his journey home. Finally, the veterinarian agrees to take the dog into her practice for the time being, until she finds a foster home for Winston.

Wesley is relieved to know that his new little friend is now in good hands. He says goodbye to Winston – but things turn out differently: Wesley is so taken with the puppy that he decides to bring him to live with him in Montana.

In Winston’s current condition, however, leaving the country is impossible. Cross-country transport of animals is subject to strict conditions, and the little puppy is simply too sick and too weak to get a permit to enter the United States. Wesley, meanwhile, is sure he will be holding his dog again very soon!

The next day Wesley flies back to the USA. As soon as he arrived home, good news awaited the young man: the veterinarian treating him was able to organize a foster home for Winston. A local animal welfare worker has agreed to care for the puppy until he is healthy enough to leave for the USA. In addition, the foster sends Wesley daily pictures of Winston and reports on the progress he is making. The male dog spends eight weeks at the foster home, then it is finally time.

In the meantime, Winston has settled into his new home and gets along splendidly with Wesley’s two other dogs. Only the snow in his new home Montana has to get used to the little rascal. Here you can watch the video of Winston’s adventure:

If Wesley hadn’t been so adventurous that day, and if he hadn’t kayaked to the small island, Winston probably wouldn’t have survived much longer. But fate meant well with the four-legged friend and now Winston may spend the rest of his life with people who give him a home, love and security and help him to forget the bad time in loneliness.

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