“When I came home late, a dog followed me. At home it became clear to me that it was my guardian angel”.

Animals are very special creatures. They are a kind of heavenly messengers who are supposed to make us better and kinder and protect us from all kinds of adversity. Here is an example of the story of a young woman who became convinced of the above through her own experience.

This happened about 10 years ago when I was a senior in high school.It was about mid-February and we were actively preparing for graduation, so we often stayed late after school. We rehearsed the waltz that day and left school when it was quite dark.

I walked the well-trodden path home, and strangely enough, I wasn’t afraid of anything. A big dog that looked like a German shepherd ran up to me. At first I was afraid of it, but then I realized that the dog was friendly. The animal followed me and was on my heels.

When I was almost at the door, a car stopped next to me. There were four drunk guys sitting inside, and music was playing loudly. One of them got out and started insisting that I get in the car. When I tried to run away, he blocked my way. Just at that moment, the dog accompanying me grabbed the leg of the cheeky guy. He got scared, got into his car and drove away.

Out of gratitude, I hugged the dog and he accompanied me to the driveway. I turned to hug my rescuer again, but he was gone. At home, I told my grandmother about it. She said it wasn’t just a dog, it was my guardian angel.

Source: fb.com

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