The bird learned to talk and spread all the secrets of the keeper in front of the camera

The bird learned to talk and blabbed all the secrets of the owner. Now Internet users know how a woman most often calls a pet, and they feel sorry for a chick.

A tiktoker nicknamed kamijsulli999 posted a video on the social network on April 16, showing how well and clearly her bird can speak.

However, the woman did not take into account the fact that the bird could babble too much. At first glance, a completely innocent greeting from the bird showed how the woman really treats her pet.

The video begins with a shepherd starling sitting on a tabletop, greeting the audience and then asking how things are going. The bird imitates human speech with near-perfect accuracy.

He even manages to whistle. However, the attention of the commentators was not attracted by the amazing abilities of the bird, but by the way he presented himself to the audience.

Locust starlings, or myna in general, are extremely talkative birds. They can learn up to 100 words.

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