Little girl handles a 166 cm high horse

As a three-year-old, Siana had gained extensive experience with horses at her parents’ ranch in Caldwell, Idaho. Therefore, she showed great interest in her father’s esteemed mare, a 166 cm horse, from an early age. A video from 2011 showcasing the relationship between girls and horses spread rapidly over the internet. Under mum’s supervision, the two perform various tricks, including a trot and a gentle canter.

Often amazing and deep bonds develop between children and animals that are usually incomprehensible to the ordinary adult. Novels and films have been made about these relationships for quite some time, as they are one of the most valuable types of relationships.

Make sure you read the post through to the end to get to the video

A beautiful example of this bond is captured in this video. This shows the wonderful friendship between a young girl and a mare. Growing up among many horses, it wasn’t long before this horse caught Sianna’s attention as well. Little Sianna soon developed a preference for Cessna, a 6 year old mare from her father.

In the video we see little Sianna and her horse doing a variety of activities that would normally overwhelm a child. The first activity is horse lunging, an activity in which a horse moves in circles around a person while the person holds the other end of the lunging line. The exercise teaches obedience and allows the horse to get ample exercise.

Sianna keeps her on a leash while Cessna walks around her in a circle and obeys her commands given by short pulls on the leash. When Sianna pulls hard on the leash, Cessna knows it’s time to rest and wait for new orders.

This is usually followed by an order to continue lunging, but in the opposite direction. If this activity is carried out correctly, the horse acquires poise and flexibility. While this exercise is keeping the horse fit, it is also an excellent opportunity to observe the horse’s gait. While lunging has many advantages for the horse, the future rider also learns to better control the horse and is much more relaxed on the first attempt at riding the horse.

After this warm-up, Sianna’s mother lifts her onto Cessna’s saddle, and the time has come to ride. It is amazing to see such a young girl in complete control of a horse. Sianna rides bareback, but by now she has learned how to ride a Cessna safely.

Many viewers also wonder why Sianna doesn’t wear a helmet. Her mother addressed this issue in the comment section of the video by claiming that Sianna had already ridden the horse before the video was recorded and only rerun it for demonstration purposes. Her mother had forgotten to give her a helmet while doing this, but she was around the whole time.

Regardless of these minor safety concerns, the sight of Sianna on the high horse is still incredible. She starts with a short walk around the stable and then goes into a trot. The trot is commonly viewed as a diagonal gait in which the horse moves in unison with a quiet rhythm. While Cessna prances around in the stable, you can see Sianna’s face the expression of pure joy.

After the trot, Sianna’s mother asks for a light gallop. It is a variation or riding that takes place at a slow speed of about 13 to 19 km / h. Fortunately, Sianna didn’t fall during this demonstration and she seemed to be enjoying every second. This video truly illustrates how wonderful the bond between animals and children can be. The video spread wildly on the internet, allowing little Sianna and her horse to warm the hearts of people around the world.

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