Signs that indicate the dog’s aging

Aging is a natural, complex process that can impair the ability to sustain multiple processes in the body. There are several signs that the dog is aging.

The process of aging dogs is a gradual process that owners sometimes go unnoticed. There are several different signs that you can use to determine if a dog is older. The changes a dog goes through as it ages are the first signs.

These are signs that indicate the aging of the dog
Older dogs

Aging is a natural, complex biological process that affects the body’s ability to function. Aging also causes metabolic processes which increase the likelihood of developing disease. While this process is inevitable, there are ways to slow it down. If possible, the most important thing is to prevent or delay the onset of the disease. It is important to diagnose the disease as early as possible and dedicate yourself to treatment in order to keep your dog healthy for as long as possible. Preventive medicine is preferred.

When is a dog considered old?

Years are a number, not a requirement. Maturity and age are arbitrary terms defined on the basis of life expectancy. A dog is considered mature when it reaches half its life expectancy and old when it has reached three quarters of its life expectancy. Of course, dogs age differently. Large dogs don’t age the same way or at the same rate. Small breeds have a longer lifespan than large breeds, so a small dog ages more slowly.

The effect of aging on the dog’s body

Aging is a natural process that affects the whole body; however, individual sensitivity or disposition of organs contributes to the development of disease. The most important thing is to understand the aging process in order to slow down its effects.

Increased fat reserves

The older they are, the more likely dogs are to gain weight and build fat at the expense of muscle mass. A large loss of muscle mass affects the dog’s mobility. Because of this, the dog uses less energy. As a result, a dog who gains more weight will lose more muscle mass. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor its condition to prevent excessive weight gain and loss of muscle mass. It is also important to watch out for injuries. These can interfere with its activities and accelerate the aging of the dog.

Dental problems can prove the aging of the dog

Accumulated plaque causes inflammation of the gums and infection (periodontal disease), which can lead to tooth loss. These gum problems make it difficult for the dog to eat because it is painful to chew.

In addition to the unpleasant odor that develops, it can also cause accelerated growth of bacteria, which can spread around the body and damage other organs. The immune system is constantly working overtime, which puts stress on the body and makes it more susceptible to infection.

Dental hygiene is important throughout a dog’s life, but especially for older dogs. Make sure your dog gets used to brushing their teeth as a puppy. This preventive measure increases the quality and health of your teeth. Diet plays an important role in this. The formulation and even the properties of the granules – size, shape, hardness – can help slow the build-up of dental plaque.

Slowed passage of the contents through the intestines.
The passage of the contents through the intestines is slower in older dogs. This has been linked to decreased bowel muscle tone and decreased secretion of digestive acids, which help break down food. This exposes the dog to the problem of constipation, which is often followed by diarrhea. These problems can be influenced by a balanced diet.

Just like the rest of the body, the bowel begins to work less efficiently. Their digestive capacity is limited to a certain extent, they absorb smaller amounts of nutrients and, due to a change in diet, they need more time to adapt. High-quality, easily digestible foods reduce these effects.

Immune system and senses

Aging also leads to a decrease in immune protection, which means older dogs are more prone to infection and disease. In addition, dogs suffer from loss of vision and smell, which can lead to a decreased appetite.

It is important to ensure that the dog remains active as it ages. A tie

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